71% of business believe they have a gap in Leadership & People Management Training, (CIPD Survey 2012).
Our development solutions focus on making a lasting difference to capability, helping individuals achieve the immediate business outcomes and beyond. We work with leaders to identify the ambition of any capability programme and create a plan that will connect, motivate & enable individuals to make the desired shift in capability.
We specialise in growing capability in the following areas:
Leadership Development
We believe that Leadership is a state of mind, and great organisations have people thinking and acting as leaders at all levels of the organisation. The resulting empowerment, autonomy and purpose that this creates throughout organisations enables a thriving culture. Our programmes are highly pragmatic combining the development of a winning mind-set with robust tools to meet the challenges faced by Managers.
People Management
Managers are key to delivering the business strategy through their teams. To be a great People Manager they need to be able to build trust, provide clarity on what needs to be done, create a team spirit and develop their team. We work with all levels of People Managers, with varying levels of experience providing them with the learning they need to support them with their business challenges.
Coaching Development
Coaching is a powerful approach and approach that helps organisations
unlock the potential of their people. When implemented across a
business it can help to create a highly engaged and empowered organisation, speed
up change and create significant growth.
Our programmes are designed to be practical, interactive and
provide longevity for the learning, so that individuals keep growing and
excelling in their day job, long after the programme has happened.